Last sunday I bilang mr hubby yang that day was the last day of Mendaki Learning Festival at S'pore Expo and I also told him that my Cikgu, Chef Siti Masturah Alwi pun ada booth selling her book kat sana and mr hubby pun tanpa ragu2 pun ajak I and anak2 kesana. Faham betul dia dengan my passion.....:') I was so happy jumpa my Cikgu and got her to sign my recipe book and tak lupa I also sign-up for another 2 baking classes. Actually banyak orang kata belajar with Cikgu, fee dia mahal tapi you'll get for what you are paying for and there's no secret hidden. All the tips, secrets and even how you want to sell or price your product she will share with you. Apa yang I tulis kat sini adalah my personal view saja..mungkin orang lain tak sama pendapat dengan I as this so subjective. So see you Cikgu....cant wait to attend your class...:')
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Buku resepi Chef Siti Masturah Alwi
Last sunday I bilang mr hubby yang that day was the last day of Mendaki Learning Festival at S'pore Expo and I also told him that my Cikgu, Chef Siti Masturah Alwi pun ada booth selling her book kat sana and mr hubby pun tanpa ragu2 pun ajak I and anak2 kesana. Faham betul dia dengan my passion.....:') I was so happy jumpa my Cikgu and got her to sign my recipe book and tak lupa I also sign-up for another 2 baking classes. Actually banyak orang kata belajar with Cikgu, fee dia mahal tapi you'll get for what you are paying for and there's no secret hidden. All the tips, secrets and even how you want to sell or price your product she will share with you. Apa yang I tulis kat sini adalah my personal view saja..mungkin orang lain tak sama pendapat dengan I as this so subjective. So see you Cikgu....cant wait to attend your class...:')
Friday, June 8, 2012
Pecel Ikan Pari
Hari ini I masak lauk pecel ikan pari. Actually lauk pecel ni ada macam-macam jenis tapi lauk pecel yang I masak ni telah dipermudahkan dan kuahnya dimasak agar tak mudah basi. I masih ingat lagi dulu2 time tu I sekolah lagi. Pergi rumah arwah nenek then dia buat pecel for lunch so bila time makan tu kat atas meja adalah ulam-ulaman dengan satu mangkuk ni yang berisi santan dan carik-carik isi ikan pari bakar(I tahu ikan pari bakar sebab I nampak my nenek bakar ikan pari tu) so I tanya apa ni? Then dia kata makan dulu baru tahu so I dengan was-wasnya pun rasalah...alamak...punyalah sedap.....fuhh!...power! sampai sekarang tak boleh lupa betapa powernya pecel my nenek.... Then bila dah kahwin nak masak pecel tanya my mak...dia sendiri pun tak pernah buat so tanyalah kawan2.... Tanya sana tanya sini dan dengan rumusan sendiri...terhasillah lauk pecel ini...
Beberapa potong ikan pari dibakar(I lengser je guna non stick frying pan)
1 biji bawang besar
2 ulas bawang putih
15-20 biji cili pada
1 inci belacan (kalau rasa2 sikit sangat lebihkan)
1 kotak santan (250g) + 1 cawan air
Semua bahan-bahan ini (melainkan santan)
disangar dan dikisar kasar. Kalau nak tumbuk guna batu lesung pun boleh....I guna grinder je....
Setelah dikisar campur santan dan air berserta garam secukup rasa dan masak hingga mendidih tapi harus dikacau selalu sebab nanti kalau tak kacau santannya pecah....
Oh sebelum terlupa....kalau yang suka boleh letak daun cekur....
Masa nak hidang tu....letaklah ikan pari yang telah dibakar tadi dan siramkan kuah di atas ikan.....
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Bingka Labu
Pandan chiffon cupcakes
Pandan chiffon cupcakes/cake
6 biji kuning telur
40ml air pandan (atau 1 tbsp pandan paste + air utk jadikan 40ml)
130 ml santan
150g tepung top/tepung cake
1 tsp baking powder
80ml minyak canola
1/4 tsp garam
6 biji putih telur
120g gula
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
Bampurkan semua bahan A dan ketepikan
Pukul bahan B hingga kaku
Campurkan bahan A dan B dan kacau hingga rata
Masukkan ke dalam tin kek chiffon (jangan sapu minyak) dan bakar di kepanasan 180C selama 45 minit hingga 1 jam.
Jika gunakan cupcakes cup bakar selama 15 - 20 minit.
Selamat mencuba....
Hokaido chiffon cupcakes
Hokaido Chiffon cupcakes
2 cups cake flour before sifting
1 cup sugar
1tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup milk
1/2 cup vegetable oil, I use canola
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
5 egg yolks
8 egg whites
1/2 tsp cream of tartar (or 1/2 tsp lemon juice or vinegar)
Whip cream filling
2 cups whipping cream
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Make sure everything is at room temperature, especially eggs and milk. preheat oven to 350F
Sift the cake flour together with baking powder and salt into large mixing bowl
In a medium bowl, blend well milk, oil, vanilla extract and the 5 egg yolks
Add egg yolk mixture to the dry ingredients and beat for about 2 minutes
Beat egg whites with cream of tartar on high speed until foamy, then slowly add in sugar and continue to beat until stiff peak form
Fold the meringue into the yolk mixture in 3 parts
Spoon into cupcake cups evenly, give them a couple of big tap on the table to break the large air bubbles in the batter for finer texture of the cakes and bake for about 20 minutes.
Beat whip cream, sugar and vanilla at high speed until medium peak form and pipe the cream into the centre of the cupcakes after they are completely cool. Dust with powdered sugar.
For more specific instruction please visit this PAGE
as the owner does not allow to copy paste anything from the blog.